You Can’t Help the Miserable Fool

For the life of me I will never understand people who choose to be miserable. I’m not talking about one day of self pity or even actual depression. I’m talking about people who make a life choice to wake up miserable. They could win the lottery yet they’d complain about being taxed. They could have a beautiful healthy kid but wish the child was a different gender or have a different skin complexion. They go out to eat and every meal they can find something that wasn’t done to their satisfaction. They see a sunny day and say it’s too hot. They are like a real life ticking time bomb and each moment the people around them wonder when the few small moments of happiness will fade.

I will never understand these people. There is joy in every moment of every day! The very breath that you breathe should be a constant reminder that someone loved you enough to create you and place you in the world. The sun rises and sets each day bringing and leaving you a stunning display of our creator’s glory. Just one of the small gifts that show His love! How about the people around you? The tall ones,the fat ones,the funny ones,and the serious ones each uniquely put together for a very specific plan. Each yet another reason to wake up Joyful. Each one a blessing to call cohabiters on this earth. The list of reasons not to choose to live the life of a miserable monster are as vast as the stars on the sky that were placed by the same creator that created you.

So no, I will never understand the person that chooses misery. Because to choose a miserable existence is to choose to turn a blind eye to all that has been placed before you. It is to look your God in the eye and say “You are not worthy of my praise”.

What type of person will you be in the coming year? A miserable monster or a person of praise?

Only you can choose because after all it is your choice.

Much love, Pilgrim Nicci